Sofi has been a valued member of Centenary Dance Academy since 2013, commencing as a student who trained diligently in all genres of dance. Through this Sofi completed her RAD Advanced Foundation Exam with a distinction and Comdance Jazz 9 Exam with Honours. In 2014 and 2015 Sofi was accepted into the Qld Dance School of Excellence Dance Program offered at Kelvin Grove State College and in 2016 received a Certificate III in Dance, through RAW Dance Company. During this time Sofi also successfully auditioned to perform with Queensland’s Premier Youth Company, Ballet Theatre of Queensland. Sofi danced with the company for three seasons and in 2017 was chosen to perform a soloist role as the ‘Summer Fairy’, in Cinderella. This was a major highlight of Sofi’s performance opportunities. Sofi has since been working towards learning syllabus materials to obtain her RAD CBTS and the Comdance Jazz Teaching Certificate. Sofi has also attained her Module 1 in Acrobatic Arts Certificate and is a registered Acrobatics Arts teacher. She is also currently studying a Bachelor of Education to further enhance her teaching skills.
Sofi is an extremely passionate teacher with a kind and caring approach, ensuring all students are working to their personal best.